A Day That Will Live in Infamy?

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Writer’s Note – I’ve been on an extended hiatus for about three months.  So, I first want to say “Thank You” to all of you who continue to stop by and check out my blog.  This blog and several to follow have been accumulating in my head for quite a while.

July 24, 2014 – An anniversary day of sorts for me.  Happy?  Probably, given my current existence on this planet.  The date, however, holds a mixture of emotions for me.  It came and went without much fanfare in my world – and in the world of others.  July 24th?  What’s special about that day?  It’s J-Lo’s birthday.  She’s now 45 years old.  Amelia Earhart was born on this day.  Former Utah Jazz great and NBA Hall of Famer Karl Malone was born on July 24th, too.  In fact, like Jennifer Lopez, another “pinup girl” from an earlier generation Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman!) was born on this day.

So July 24, 2014 came and went without much hoopla.  According to one source, that was the day the an Air Algerie flight crashed in Mali, killing 116 people.  Sad, very sad.  Otherwise, for me, it was just another day.  I worked, came home, had dinner with Vicki and the kids, and went to bed.  I’m not even sure that I remembered the significance of this day.

Was it that instant coffee was invented in 1938 on July 24th?  I cannot stand instant coffee: one of the staples of my parents’ morning routine.  Yuck!  Or, maybe it’s that Bob Dylan released “Like a Rolling Stone” on this day in 1965?  That’s it!  Has to be…And like that stone, time continues to go round and round.  Perhaps that’s where I’m going with this post.  Time moves forward; time marches on; you can never truly save time; minute-by-minute, day-by-day, time never stops.  In fact, time (and tide) wait for no man – apparently an old German proverb attributed to many famous authors.

For me, it’s good that time has not waited on me.  It continues to move forward…accumulating days, weeks, months, and – hopefully – years.  In my condition, I want time to march on; I want to get as much of it as I can.  Not that I’m completely greedy.  I want my time spent with those I love and dearly care about.  Those who mean the most to me and me to them.

I want to gather as much moss as possible!

Time has lessened the hurt and anguish of July 24th.  Time has made living a life that is filled with wonder and the mundane a great thing.  In fact, most of 2014 has been mundane, hence one of the reasons that my writing has tapered off.  As the saying goes, “no news is good news.”  Perhaps that’s true.  Although for me, no news means just waiting for the next turn (or bump) in my journey.  It’s always there…that’s something that I’ve got to continue to accept.

July 24th….the day – one year ago – my oncologist walked into the exam room to tell us that they had found several tiny lesions in my right lung.  The day I was told that if I did nothing to treat my cancer that I would die in 9 to 12 months.  I still hear Vicki’s gasp in my head and the look of terror on her face.

That was one year ago (2013).  I’m still here…still plugging 
along.  As always, my hope is that in 2015 I’ll still be here.

