
May 19, 2018 – It’s been four weeks since we lost Nixie, and I’m still terribly sad. I miss our four-legged daughter so much. My heart still aches. The bond the two of us formed was just like a parent and child. Nixie was indeed a member of our family and her entire two-legged family is heartbroken. 

I don’t want to replay the circumstances of Nixie’s death – it’s still too gut-wrenching – but she died suddenly, and, unfortunately, not peacefully. The vets confirmed that Nix had cancer in one area, but apparently the cancer had already spread to other parts of her body. Her diagnosis and death all happened so quickly that we were in shock for the next several weeks.

I’ve mentioned Nixie in several prior posts (see Someone to Watch Over Me), and anyone who follows me on Facebook knows that I frequently post pictures of Nixie. She was a six- to eight-month-old rescue from the West Tennessee Border Collie Rescue Group  who came into our home a little over ten years ago. When Nixie entered our lives, Vicki had lost her father and the year before we lost our first dog, Bailey. It was a difficult time for us back then, and Vicki referred to Nix as her “therapy dog.”

She brightened our world, and we’re glad we gave Nixie a home full of love. Emily and Zach grew up with Nixie, and Zach was the one who taught her to 
leap up and catch Frisbees. (She was very good at it.) I feel sad that neither 
Emily or Zach got to say goodbye to Nixie.

Losing Nix still hurts, but my anger has subsided (somewhat). I don’t want to feel sorry for myself and my family, but we have endured so much stress and strain the past few years that it’s just depressing.

I will miss my “shadow.” 

And so the journey continues….


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Writer’s Note – I’ll continue to update my blog on a periodic basis.  No set schedule.  So, I want to thank everyone who continues to stop by and check out my blog. Please leave a comment or message; I’d love to hear from you.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Billett

    Still miss my shadow.
